
Friday, November 12, 2010

IBANART - Finding Signature

Most artists have a signature painting style and don’t even know it. The key is to uncover it and use it to bring in sales and notoriety for the artist.

A signature painting style makes an artist stand out from the crowd. This can bring the artist more sells, a following and maybe even fame.

For example, when someone says “Picasso” most people think of brightly colored cubist paintings of the human form. This was Picasso’s style. It was consistent throughout most of his painting career, so collectors and art enthusiasts can identify his style easily. When a person thinks of a Picasso painting, they know what the painting will be like without even looking at it. So was, Van Gogh for his messy stokes, and the living realist legend Iman Maleki for his smooth and calm stokes that creates a painting which portray serenity.

Uncovering the unique qualities of a painter’s abilities can lead to what marketer’s call “branding.” Branding is creating a product that people can easily identify.

Essentially, if an artist can figure out what makes their artwork special and consciously implements it into every piece they do, people will be able to identify the artist’s painting without looking at the signature. Collectors will clamor for more paintings because they know they will be getting a consistent type of artwork from the artist.

So far, I haven't have mine.

I love realism. Portrait of Borneo is my main subject of painting, with a guidence from my senior in realm Mr Chieng, this is the 1st try of combining Realism and Abstract. So I guess, its was the beginning of the journey to find my signature. :)


I'm working out my art from light to dark. I'm trying to do it vice versa this time.. and it turn out to be not so satisfactory.